Open my eyes
Open the fucking door
I can’t help but feel like
I’ve been here before
Or a million times
In one of a million lives
I can’t shake the feeling
That I’ve already lived mine
Maybe I’ve been living forever
Sure feels like I’m losing my mind
I’ve been alive as long as I can remember
Maybe I’ll come out better next time
Open my mind
Shed the skin of another life
Let me rest here another night
I may have learned something this time
Keep pushing forward
Without understanding
With no way of knowing
Which way I am going
Keep getting nowhere
Over and over
I know when I get there
I’ll be another day older
Maybe get a bit closer this time
Sono andato a trovate i miei.
Vaffanculo, arrestatemi.
Il testo qui sopra è di un pezzo degli Iron Chic, Don’t drive angry, preso da un disco molto bello che non si è inculato nessuno, uscito qualche anno fa.
Hai fatto benissimo.
Riot! :)